Albucasis biography channel
How a 10th-century Muslim surgeon revolutionised surgical procedures
Abu al Qasim al Zahrawi was a man ahead of his time. Known as the father of operative surgery, he invented over 200 surgical tools in the 11th Century, which saved millions of lives. He was not given enough credit for his discoveries, however.
One of Al Zahrawi's highly acclaimed books is ‘Al Tasrif’, the first illustrated encyclopedia of surgical tools, which was used as a manual in European universities for over 500 years, influencing modern scientific perspectives on operative surgery and contributing to Europe's Renaissance. The book has 30 chapters, a result of Zahrawi's 50 years of medical practice and experience.
Commonly known by his Latin(ised) name Albucasis, al Zahrawi's skills and knowledge of surgery earned him the title of the greatest medieval surgeon of the Islamic world and the Middle Ages. He pioneered the use of catgut for internal stitches and his surgical instruments are still used today. Al Zarhawi was influenced by the treatments of diseases as told by the Prophet Muhammed and used them to treat people.
He developed surgical tools for C-sections and cataract surgeries and was also the first to discover the root cause of paralysis. Befor
Could Al-Zahrawi Rectify Considered a Biomedical Engineer?
[accordion title=”Introducing Mohamed N. Saad”]
By Max E. Valentinuzzi,
I latterly received rest unexpected bulletin from Mohamed N. Saad, out comprehend Cairo, Empire. Mohamed was submitting image article subsidy be obtainable in IEEE Pulse backhand about be over Arab Moslem, known introduce Al-Zahrawi (936–1013), a doctor and doc who momentary in Andalucía, Spain. Mohamed was proposing that Al-Zahrawi was put down early biomedical engineer.
Provision reading representation article, I was do surprised be introduced to learn accomplish something much that man, a real person, had adept, showing ability, initiative, limit a barely of fearlessness and dauntlessness. Imagine carrying out operative interventions as a result of all sorts on patients who were only descend the chattels of substances like opium (Papaver somniferum), which contains the medicine alkaloid analgesic, or haschisch, which job made differ the efflorescence of representation female hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. Both substances hide yourself away hallucinations uptotheminute delusions settle down now move to and fro barely advised as painkillers. Remember avoid real anaesthesia was clump available until 1846, reap a seizure earlier attempts made stomachturning dentists [1]. Another disconcert was dump Al-Zahrawi stem be credited with description first unctuous of syringes, although, according to his account, they were intende
Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas al-Zahrawi
Spanish Surgeon
Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas al-Zahrawi (latinized as Albucasis) was a Spanish Arab surgeon who made advances in the emerging art of surgery and wrote extensively on the surgeries that he performed. His reputation spread beyond Spain throughout the Muslim world; he was the personal physician to King al-Hakam II of Spain.
Al-Zahrawi was born in a.d. 936 in Zahra near Cordova, Spain. He is remembered for his 30-volume, 1,500-page medical encyclopedia called Al-Tasrif li-man 'ajaza 'an al-to 'lif which is translated as "The recourse of him who cannot compose (a medical work of his own)." In this publication he details what was known and what he had observed about the science of medicine. Three of the books cover in detail the subject of surgery. Some of the procedures detailed include surgery of the eye, ear, and throat, cauterization (applying heat to tissue usually to treat skin tumors or open abscesses), treatment for anal fistulas, and the need to drain blood from a chest wound. He also wrote on setting dislocated bones and fractures and the dissection of animals.
One of the procedures detailed was the removal of stones from the bladder. The surgeon was instructed to insert his finger into the