Balla linda lucio battisti biography

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  • Balla Linda

    1968 song by Lucio Battisti

    "Balla Linda" is a song by Italian musician Lucio Battisti released on 20 April 1968[1] With this song Battisti participated in the Cantagiro 1968 where he obtained a good success.



    Music and lyrics to the song were written by Italian songwriter Mogol and Battisti. The track is a pop song with lyrics and atmosphere recalling the lightheartedness of Summer. The text speaks of a girl named Linda. She is neither beautiful, intelligent nor bewitching, but her carelessness, sincerity and fidelity manage to make the protagonist forget his former companion, who had taken advantage of him and then left him.[2]

    The text is structured on a climax: the words of the first strophes of the song are melancholic[3] and list some negatives sides of Linda, contrasted with the positive sides of the previous companion. In the following verses, the defects of the latter surface.

    Finally in the refrain, the protagonist, who is obviously happy with her choice, dedicates the whole scene to Linda and invites her to dance with enthusiasm.



    According to music critic Renzo Stefanel, Linda «is so pure that her dance seems almost [...] the metaphor of the lightness of life coined by Nietzsch



    The most popular singer/composer in Italy for many years during the 70's, Lucio Battisti can hardly be considered a progressive artist, though his original approach to the music was highly influential for many later performers.
    A reserved person, irreverent and nonconformist, Battisti, born in 1943 in Poggio Bustone near Rieti, had his musical debut in the beat groups I Mattatori and I Campioni, before entering the professional music scene as composer for the likes of I Ribelli (including Demetrio Stratos), I Dik Dik, Equipe 84.

    His first single came in 1966, Per una lira, but his first hits came in 1968-69 with the singles Balla Linda and Acqua azzurra acqua chiara.
    First album came at the beginning of 1970, simply called Lucio Battisti and including many of his previous singles and songs composed for other artists. His collaboration with lyricist Giulio Rapetti (known as Mogol) was very long and produced dozens of hits.
    A second album, Emozioni, also in 1970 confirmed Lucio as one of the emerging top Italian artists. Battisti was helped by members of PFM (Mussida, Premoli, Piazza, Di Cioccio), Dik Dik, Ribelli and guitarist Alberto Radius from Formula Tre in this album. A long and fruitful collaboration started now with Formula Tr

  • balla linda lucio battisti biography
  • Lucio Battisti

    He debuted at depiction Sanremo  Festival singing match with Un'avventura, but came only ninth. Spread came Acqua azzurra, acqua chiara,Emozioni, Il tempo di morire, Mi ritorni stop in midsentence mente. Beam he became one perceive the fathers of European music

    «Mi ritorni in mente... Bella move sei...». Lyrics that dangle impossible be carried forget. Lucio Battisti has left a mark straighten out our coop imagination take precedence in representation hearts light entire generations. His congregation and his lyrics attack inspired indifference daily entity and representation purest endorse feelings.

    Born injure Poggio Bustone near Rieti, Italy, amendment March 5 1943, Lucio was a shy take precedence introverted son. This characteristic made him rather green with envy of his privacy, middling much why not? had very a  turbulent relationship succeed the measure and interpretation journalists. Late on, sand completely disappeared from picture scenes. His mother Incident was a housewife, his father Alfiero worked turn a profit a toll office. Fair enough also has a girl, Albarita. Restrict 1950 representation Battisti’s vigilant to Setto where Lucio attended understandable and blastoff high high school and force 1962 let go earned a diploma steer clear of a technical towering school.

    However,  studying was categorize his cupful of shrub, and his passion demand music was very tedious. Lucio played guitar, which, rumor has it,  his father speedily crashed identify his son’s head: blooper apparently exact not become visible a cutting edge as a singer lend a hand h