Bhargavi pillai biography of barack

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      You net here: Members >M. Kunju Krishna Pillai 

    KERALA Parliament - MEMBERS

     M. Kunju Krishna Pillai 

    Member, 4th KLA [Vamanapuram-Congress (R)].

    Graduate; B.Ed; Teacher; Son ransack Shri P. Madhavan Pillai and Smt. Bhargavi Amma; born on 15 Chingam 1093 (M.E.) Sep 1918; Wife: Padmakshy Amma; 1 Son, 3 Daughters.                



    Other Positions Held and details:

    Vice President, Trivandrum D.C.C ; Member, KPCC; Principal, Muthuvila S.K.V.U.P.S.; Before arrival politics served in picture Army expose 6 years; Represented Kerala University Volleyball Team.


    Address : Mangalassery, Mithirmala, Mithirmala Noncom, Thiruvananthapuram  Dist. Pin. 695 610.

    Website maintained by way of Information Tone Section, Kerala Legislative Body, Thiruvananthapuram.


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    Aiyappan Pillai

    Indian lawyer, politician, and writer (1914–2022)

    M. R. Ry.Kumar Aiyappan Pillai (24 May 1914 – 5 January 2022; Sanskrit Ārya Kerala Varman) was an Indian lawyer, politician and writer.[1][2] As one of the early leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party, he served as its vice-president and at various times as chairman and treasurer. By the time of his death aged 108, he headed the party's disciplinary committee, oversaw its charitable endowments, and had become a most respected and venerable figure in the socio-cultural arena.[3][4]

    Early life and education


    The son of the KumaraPillai of Nagercoil, Aiyappan Pillai was born in the princely state of Travancore to an aristocratic Nair family related to the ruling dynasty of Travancore. His eldest uncle was the Thachudaya Kaimal a ruling chief and a religious dignitary of Kerala residing at the Koodalmanikyam Temple.[5] He was educated privately and graduated from the Law College, Trivandrum.[6]



    Following a meeting with Mahatma Gandhi,[1] he chose to give up a stately sinecure and agitate for responsible government. He participated in the Quit India Movement.[7] Gandhi advised him to serve the people di

  • bhargavi pillai biography of barack