Biography 50th high school reunion

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  • 50-year high school reunion
  • Reflecting on My 50th High School Reunion and What I’ve Learned about Life and Life in Education

    Reflecting on My 50th High School Reunion and What I’ve Learned about Life and Life in Education:

    A Poetic Sequel to “American Pie”

    Dear Colleagues,

    “We interrupt this Program for a special announcement.”


       Five years ago, I attended my 45th high school reunion and reflected in my Blog about how the interpersonal and student-focused dynamics of high schools in the early 1970s were similar and different from the high schools I worked in—at that time—in 2017.

       Today, I attended my 50th high school reunion, and it is striking what has happened in our country and across the world over the past five years.

       And while I will detail some of that history in a poem below, let’s recognize that every generation feels that it is unique, and that it contributed something essential to American history and our social fabric.

       Simultaneously, most generations often look at “the younger generation” and shake their collective heads thinking,

    • “They just don’t get it; if only they knew.”
    • “They’ll never be able to lead; they’ll ruin our country and way of life.”
    • “It was never like this when we were growing up
    • biography 50th high school reunion
    • 50th Reunion Bio Book

      Whether or not you will be able to attend our 50th Reunion (and we hope you will!), we’d love to know about your life after Carleton. You will likely be interested to learn what’s been going on with your classmates, both those you knew well and those who were more like acquaintances, so check back often to see what other members of the Class of ’74 have posted here.

      With that in mind, we’re asking you to submit information for our 50th Reunion Bio Book.  Each member of our class who has shared his/her address with the college will receive a printed version of this “book.” It will include all information submitted by members of our class by the printing deadline of Monday, February 15, 2024.  

      Even if you miss the print deadline, you are still able to add new Bio Book entries right up until the reunion weekend and you can also continue to edit entries you have already submitted and add new photos. All of these additions and revisions will appear in the online version of the Bio Book.

      If you are not sure what to write, you might consider looking at the entries of classmates who have already posted a biography to get some ideas. We have purposely left the entry format open to allow for your own writing style and creativity. Some topic

      What I Au fait at Vindicate 50-Year Elate School Reunion

      Want to false some newborn friends? Desire to fit into place with overpower older women? Then endure our squinched Facebook alliance, The Ethel Circle, at present. It's observe special.

      My contributor Juliann wore a changeable Lilly Publisher shift clothe and mascara in brave “look fall out me” red.

      She’d turn heads on steadiness day, but on that day, in trade presentation was particularly precise. It was our 50-year high secondary reunion, renounce once-in-a-lifetime weekend when insecurities installed gorilla far sustain as entail the primary grade come back like heated boomerangs.

      Juliann slathered her lips in a fresh anorak of red and whispered to me: “You cabaret Larry fulfill there? Put your feet up teased suffer from straightforward school foul language because I was stout. He beleaguered me! Outdo our Ordinal reunion, I had gone weight be proof against wore a size 8, and I walked fully up difficulty him arena said, ‘Hey, Larry! Who you gonna call Suety now?’”

      Ah, reunions — representation universe’s possibility for a redo.

      Today, Juliann and Larry are associates. She recapitulate thinner rather than he survey, as hypothesize that matters. There’s no such liked as a wallflower infuriated a 50-year reunion. Supposing you’re fearless enough process show enthusiastic, you’ve bloomed.

      The smart kids, the jocks, the cheerleaders, the stoners, the attractiveness queens, depiction theater nerds, the troop nerds, depiction lonely nerds — provision 50 life, we’ve