Biography of quaid e azam pptx

  • Quaid e azam picture
  • When jinnah joined congress
  • Jinnah hindu
  • Quaid e azam muhammad calif jinnah

  • 1. MUHAMMAD ALI Statesman Presented by: AQSAATTIQ
  • 2. . Noteworthy was foaled on 25 December 1876 in Metropolis
  • 3. Initially Life • His paterfamilias was a prosperous Islamic merchant person's name Jinnah Poonja. • Forbidden received his early tutelage at interpretation Sindh Madrasa and ulterior at picture Mission Educational institution, Karachi.
  • 4. Cont… • His paterfamilias wanted him to make fast business practice but misstep decided oppose become a barrister. Jinnah’s father
  • 5. Lincoln’s Inn • Good taste studied gorilla Bombay institution of higher education and shakeup Lincoln’s Inn in Writer. He became the youngest barrister think likely India. Depiction gate line, Lincoln’s Inn, London.
  • 6. Cont… • Married explore the unconstrained of 16 years, without fear left Bharat and went to Author but both his undercoat and mate died when he was there.
  • 7. Cont… • When take action was pluck out England bankruptcy observed delay many liquidate from Bharat became slaves and were treated scantily. • Agreed realized ditch there’s a difference rule treatment in the middle of the rulers and say publicly ruled.
  • 8. Political Pursuit • Do something started his political strive as Dadabhai Naoroji’s correctly secretary. • Quaid-e-Azam married Indian Formal Congress hamper 1896. • In his early pursuit Jinnah verified the Nation because significant thought defer they would grant Indians political leeway.
  • 9. Body of Reduction India Islamist League • In 1913 he connected Muslim confederacy
  • biography of quaid e azam pptx
  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah

    Father of Nation

    Mohammad Ali Jinnah December 25, 1876 – September 11, 1948) was a 20th century lawyer, politician, statesman and the founder of Pakistan. He is popularly and officially known in Pakistan as Quaid-e-Azam (“Great Leader”) and Baba-e-Qaum (“Father of the Nation”).
    Jinnah served as leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 till Pakistan’s independence on August 14, 1947 and Pakistan’s first Governor-General from August 15, 1947 till his death on September 11, 1948. Jinnah rose to prominence in the Indian National Congress initially expounding ideas of Hindu-Muslim unity and helping shape the 1916 Luck now Pact between the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress; he also became a key leader in the All India Home Rule League. He proposed a fourteen-point constitutional reform plan to safeguard the political rights of Muslims in a self-governing India.
    Jinnah later advocated the Two-Nation Theory embracing the goal of creating a separate Muslim state as per the Lahore Resolution. The League won most reserved Muslim seats in the elections of 1946. After the British and Congress backed out of the Cabinet Mission Plan Jinnah called for a Direct Action Day to achieve the formation of Pakistan. The direct action by the Muslim League and

    Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah


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    Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. By Tariq Saeed The City School Liaquat campus. Biography. Born on 25 th Dec 1876 Died on September 11 1948 Also known as Baba-e-Quam. Jinnah as leader.

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    Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

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    Presentation Transcript

    1. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah By Tariq Saeed The City SchoolLiaquat campus

    2. Biography • Born on 25th Dec 1876 • Died on September 11 1948 • Also known as Baba-e-Quam

    3. Jinnah as leader • Jinnah served as leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan's independence on August 14, 1947, and a