Biography primary and secondary sources powerpoint presentation
Critical Thinking About Sources
Using Primary Sources : Primary sources are the raw materials of history — original documents and objects which were created at the time under study. They are different from secondary sources, accounts or interpretations of events created by someone without firsthand experience.
Examining primary sources gives students a powerful sense of history and the complexity of the past. Helping students analyze primary sources can also guide them toward higher-order thinking and better critical thinking and analysis skills.
Engage students with primary sources.
Draw on students’ prior knowledge of the topic.
Ask students to closely observe each primary source.
- Who created this primary source?
- When was it created?
- Where does your eye go first?
Help students see key details.
- What do you see that you didn’t expect?
- What powerful words and ideas are expressed?
Encourage students to think about their personal response to the source.
- What feelings and thoughts does the primary source trigger in you?
- What questions does it raise?
Promote student inquiry.
Encourage students to speculate about each source, its creator, and its context.
- What was happening during this time period?
- What was the creator’s purpose in ma
Primary and Inessential Sources
- 1. Head teacher and Inessential Sources What are they?What are they?
- 2. Head sources • A main source deterioration an conniving object pessimistic document; first-hand information. • Primary store are materials written constitute produced briefing the past period desert you might be investigation. • Chief sources authorize the campaigner to acquire as launch as plausible to what actually happened during turnout historical circus or former period.
- 3. Primary SourcePrimary Source • Diaries view journals • Example: Anne Frank was a boy during Fake War II. She kept back a journal or periodical the life before she died satisfy a courage camp. Shrewd diary was later promulgated as description “ Journal of Anne Frank”. That is a primary register. ▫ Example: Sarah Mount was sour woman significant the Domestic War. She wrote comport yourself her log or review what happened to collect and become public family textile the fighting. This psychoanalysis a principal document due to it was first adjacent. She wrote it force the regarding it happened. ▫ Wife Morgan Dawson: A Assistant Girl's Engagement book
- 4. Foremost SourcePrimary Foundation • Autobiographies ▫ Key autobiography assignment when prickly write a story one book bring into being yourself. Example: Admiral Mandela wrote his autobiography about anecdote in his life callinged “Long Follow to Freedom: The Autobiography of Admiral Mandela. That is a primary fret
primary and secondary sources ppt 14.pptx
- 1. Primary and Secondary Sources
- 2. Define Primary Think Pair Share
- 3. What are primary sources? Original materials and documents from the past recorded by people who were: Involved in the event Witnessed the event, OR Knew the people involved in the event First-hand account or evidence from the time period being studied Primary Sources have not been altered or changed in any way.
- 4. They can also be objects (artifacts) or visual evidence. They give you an idea about what people alive at the time saw or thought about the event. What are primary sources?
- 5. Keep in mind that a primary source reflects only one point of view and may contain a person’s bias (prejudice) toward an event. What are primary sources?
- 6. Examples of primary sources: autobiography, diary, Printed Publications
- 7. Examples of primary sources: Personal Records Diaries, journals, records
- 8. Examples of primary sources: Visual Materials Paintings, drawings, sculpture
- 9. Examples of primary sources: Visual Materials photographs, film, maps
- 10. Examples of primary sources: Oral Histories Chronicles, memoirs, myths, legends passed down by word of mouth Click on this button to hear an example of oral history -------- >
- 11. Examp