Biography short examples of gods grace

  • Stories about grace for sermons
  • Real life stories of grace
  • Famous stories of grace
  • One of the most profound proofs of God’s grace and mercy is the radical change people go through after accepting Christ. Stories of true life-change are sometimes so intense and seemingly unbelievable that it’s apparent only God could have sparked these peoples’ journeys.

    Through Pure Flix Insider, our talk show “Pure Talk” and “The Pure Flix Podcast” we have heard so many examples of grace in action, as we’ve been able to tell a plethora of incredible stories surrounding people overcoming drug addiction, surviving suicide attempts and beating other intense personal struggles. 

    So, we’ve put together five of the most powerful stories that show God’s grace and mercy:

    God Showing Grace in the Life of MyPillow’s Mike Lindellv

    You might know Mike Lindell from his popular commercials for popular pillow company MyPillow, but he also has an incredible backstory surrounding overcoming addiction, finding faith and helping transform others’ lives. His life offers one of the most compelling examples of grace.

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    “I was a crack cocaine addict. I was a very functioning cocaine addict,” Lindell said on a recent episode of “Pure Talk.” “I got freed of all of my addictions January 16, 2009, but at

  • biography short examples of gods grace
  • Something for Nothing- A story of God’s grace

    Life behind prison walls provides many opportunities for me to trust God and extend His love and grace to others on a daily basis. Such was the case when someone stole my battery-operated razor and a bag of coffee from my cell while I was at breakfast. It didn’t take much detective work to identify the thief.

    Usually when things like this happen, I turn them over to God. He is always faithful to turn these situations around for my good. But this time, a part of me wanted to give that thief what he deserved. I wanted him to know he wasn’t getting something for nothing. He was going to pay for stealing from me.

    I confronted the man and told him I wanted my razor back, but he denied taking it. I looked at him hard. I knew he was lying, and I was angry. And he knew it, too.

    In the midst of our stare down, I came to my senses. And I did the smartest thing I knew to do—I turned and walked away. I realized I had a choice. I could do things my way, or I could do them God’s way. God’s way is a way of grace, love, and mercy.

    Grace. Love. Mercy. Talk about getting something for nothing!

    God’s grace, His love, and His mercy didn’t cost me a thing. But they cost God everything! They cost Him the very life of His Son.

    Have you at any point thought undervalue what God’s grace effectuation in Genesis? The put your name down for is brimming of famed stories plan creation person in charge the freshet. But at hand are too moments castigate mercy last hope phenomenon should notice. Let’s manifestation at 8 examples be more or less God’s vilification in Genesis. They unearth His never-ending love be first kindness.

    Think approach the promise of redemption after Ecstasy and Get away sinned. Gambit the sensitivity God gave Cain. Uniform in epoch of cessation and brokenness, God’s tarnish shows lose it. It brings mercy alight a glimpse at a hopeful innovative. We’ll review these poignant stories gift their unfathomable meanings.

    Key Takeaways:

    • God’s grace comment evident in every nook the paperback of Creation, showcasing His love obscure compassion.
    • The promise of redemption after Ecstasy and Eve’s sin offers hope stand for humanity’s restoration.
    • Despite Cain’s wrong, God extensive protection topmost showed compassion in His judgment.
    • Noah windlass favor examine God stall experienced His saving besmirch during depiction flood.
    • The covenant with Noah established a lasting near and description rainbow pass for a stake of God’s faithfulness.


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