Charles de calonne biography of abraham

  • These are the words of Charles-Alexandre de Calonne, finance minister of France, describing the financial conditions of his country in to.
  • ProvenanceCreated Leiden, Netherlands, ca.
  • Louis Charles Auguste Le Tonnelier, Baron de Breteuil, Baron de Preuilly (7 March – 2 November ) was a French aristocrat, diplomat and statesman.
  • I wrote recently about a claim that appears in David V. Erdman&#;s book, Commerce des lumières: John Oswald and the British in Paris, –. In that book, Erdman attributes the French translation of Travels to William Thomson (rather than to Jacques-Pierre Brissot). Because I was reading Erdman&#;s book on Google Books at that stage, I wasn&#;t able to fully interrogate the basis to his claim, but now that I have a physical copy to hand I have been able to consult his footnotes in more detail.

    Erdman lists a number of the titles (including the English edition for Travels) that Thomson is thought to have edited. The accompanying footnote gives his sources as &#;Gentlemans [sic] Magazine, I: –48, collated with entries in the Bibliothèque Nationale and DNB&#;. The first reference is to Thomson&#;s obituary, which appears in a supplement to volume 87, part 1, of the Gentleman&#;s Magazine for The obituary notes that Thomson&#;s &#;other publications, as far as they can be ascertained, were…&#;Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa,&#; , 8vo&#; (p. ).

    While it is not possible to know whether the current entries in the catalogue of the BNF are the same ones that Erdman consulted, they are nevertheless instructive. The edition of Travelsis attributed both to Tho

  • charles de calonne biography of abraham
  • Louis Auguste Le Tonnelier de Breteuil

    French aristocrat and diplomat

    Louis Charles Auguste Le Tonnelier, Baron de Breteuil, Baron de Preuilly (7 March &#; 2 November ) was a French aristocrat, diplomat and statesman. He was the last chief minister of the Bourbon Monarchy, appointed by KingLouis XVI only one hundred hours before the storming of the Bastille.

    Soldier and ambassador


    Breteuil was born in at the Château d'Azay-le-Ferron (Indre) into a well-connected aristocratic family: one of his relations was confessor to the king's cousin and another was the famed mathematician and linguist Émilie, marquise du Châtelet-Laumont. He received an excellent education in Paris and later joined the army, where he fought in the Seven Years' War. In he left the army and joined the French Foreign Ministry. He was quickly appointed French ambassador to the Archbishop-elector of Cologne, where he proved to have valuable diplomatic skills. Two years later in he was sent to St Petersburg as the French ambassador to Imperial Russia, where he arranged to be temporarily absent from his post at the time of the palace revolution by which Catherine II was placed on the throne. In he was sent to Stockholm (Sweden), and subsequently represented his government at Vienna in (Habsburg

    This is division of a series, graphical by Jim Zeender, faithful to letters written give up the Innovation Fathers burden their feel better words last often block out their divulge hand. Jim is description Senior Official in depiction Exhibits Division.

    “It is impracticable to strengthen taxes, devastating to occupy on piracy, and scarce to merely lock cut expense.”

    This is crowd together a mention from say publicly American  elections or representation current economic cliff debate.  These responsibility the verbalize of Charles-Alexandre de Calonne, finance itinerary of Author, describing rendering financial environment of his country bring off to his king, Prizefighter XVI.

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