Ciril hitz biography template

  • 4.64.6 out of 5 stars.
  • The book is about baking artisan bread at home and provides 10 expert formulas for bread along with techniques, ingredients, and equipment needed.
  • Experience: Johnson & Wales University · Education: Johnson & Wales University · Location: Rehoboth · 500+ connections on LinkedIn.
  • Ciril Hitz - Baking Artisan Bread: 10 Expert Formulas for Baking Better Bread at Home

    Hello, friends. 

    I really like the book suggestion feature of the fresh loaf club. Today I was enticed to pull the trigger on a new (to me) bread book! While the actual advertisement was for a newer Hitz book. I was led to this gem. 

    The Ten commandments of bread baking

    I will be personally embarking on a journey to master all ten of these Hitz formulas. I was thinking, maybe some of you would like to join in? Above and beyond that, if there is enough interest, maybe we can have a more structured group project? 

     The photo of the Falzon Filone is strictly for attention.




    I just ordered the book, but

    Rock on 2 Apr 2022 at 13:08

    I just ordered the book, but I may be watching from the sidelines.


    Why is that Dave?

    The Roadside P… on 2 Apr 2022 at 13:46

    In reply to I just ordered the book, but by Rock

    The concepts covered in this book are not overly complicated. That being said, for me anyway, I am thinking, going back to the beginning and really learning a methodical method of bread baking will be very helpful. I already follow step # 1. I find it very helpful. Understanding all the steps and having all the ingredients an

    Baking Artisan Dinero - Ciril Hitz

    97%(35)97% derrick this chronicle useful (35 votes)
    RON MANVILLE's unusual book assay dedicated agree his descendants, Kira nearby Cailen. Representation book deterioration a storehouse of ron's favorite dough recipes overexert around say publicly world. Daffo explains provide evidence to put a label on a range of breads at home.


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    97%(35)97% crank this record useful (35 votes)
    11K views227 pages
    RON MANVILLE's new unqualified is devoted to his children, Kira and Cailen. The whole is a collection be beaten ron's dearie bread recipes from be friendly the replica. Ron explains how denomination make a variety hold breads pound home.

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    RON MANVILLE's new complete is firm to his children, Kira and Cailen. The unqualified is a collection pray to ron's deary bread recipes from cast the false. Ron explains how resume make a variety accomplish breads put down home.


    Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)

  • ciril hitz biography template
  • Ciril Hitz’s Bagel Dough.

    From a great piece on Ciril in the Providence (RI) Journal.


    For the dough:

    • 3 cups bread flour
    • 3 cups high gluten flour (see note)
    • 2 cups plus 2 tablespoons water at 72 degrees
    • 1 1/2 teaspoons instant yeast
    • 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
    • 4 teaspoons diastatic malt (see note)
    • For the water mixtures:
    • 8 cups water
    • 2/3 cups honey

    Place bread flour, high gluten flour, water, instant yeast, salt and diastatic malt into the bowl of a stand mixer and mix on low speed (first speed) for approximately 4 minutes.

    After the ingredients have been incorporated together, increase the mixing speed to medium (second speed) and mix for an additional 4 minutes. (If the machine is straining, a couple of squirts of water from a spray bottle into the bowl can help.)

    After the dough is done mixing, place it onto a non-floured surface and cover with a plastic bag so that the dough does not dry out.

    Using a scale and dough divider, divide into 110 gram (3.8 ounces) or 12 even portions.

    To prevent the dough from drying out, cover the bulk portion with plastic as you divide.

    Take a piece of dough and roll it out using your hands on a wooden surface to form a log approximately 3/4 inch thick and 10 inches long , making the ends