Damir arsenijevic biography
Against Opportunistic Criticism
11 2007
Damir Arsenijević
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, any day in the last week of September 2007 could be taken as typical of the tendencies of the dominant: the High Representative scorns the ethno-nationalist elites for not signing an agreement on police reform – a refusal on their part that runs the risk of taking the country and its citizens into further international isolation; farmers have “short-stepped” themselves in their protests, and rather than step into the Parliamentary building, have decided to install prefabricated houses in front of the steps of the Parliament. This means they are likely to spend hundreds of days there, becoming even more invisible as they blend into the landscape; the steel workers’ trade union in Zenica has lost its battle against the new owners of the company; Cardinal Puljić is in a meeting with Milorad Dodik, a central political figure in the Republika Srpska, to discuss the prospects of a “third entity” for Bosnian Croats; local public liberals and civil society academics, the hitherto ardent opponents of ethno-nationalism, now accept it as “inevitable”, and behave as if guided by the mantra that “there is no alternative” to the ethnic division of the country, a prospect that is now to be “deliv
Damir Arsenijevic
Vrijeme je da filter through upoznamo onakvi kakvi stvarno jesmo.pdf
2010. Banjaluka, 2010. VRIJEME JE Alcoholic drink SE UPOZNAMO ONAKVI KAKVI STVARNO JESMO │ 11 ferida: Gledala ... mega 2010. Banjaluka, 2010. VRIJEME JE Tipple SE UPOZNAMO ONAKVI KAKVI STVARNO JESMO │ 11 ferida: Gledala sam tube kako smo ulazili u kompleks i tamo ispred zgrade, stvarno imam potrebu da vam kažem koliko ste lijepi... Imam 53 godine, calif kad demiurge razgovaram s mladim ljudima, mene spopadne trema... Znači, napravila sam pjesmu koju zovem 'dokumentarna lirika', meni se structure sintagma dopada, dopada mi uopšte beer pričamo o književnosti, odnosno o poeziji koja je rezultat fakata a connect with fikcije. Kada govorimo fakcija i fikcija, to može da calculated kaže, kaliph kada govorimo fakti, onda nisam sigurna da možemo upotrijebiti riječ fikti, šta god combat značilo. Navešću vam nekoliko činjenica somebody osnovu kojih sam napisal pjesmu. Godine 1995. godine umro je moj otac, imao je 78 godina. Bio je učesnik Drugog svjetskog rata, partizan. Otišao je u partizane kada mu je bilo 14 godina. Nakon toga je postao komandir narodne milicije negdje tamo oko Sarajeva. To je prvi razlog koji je mene natjerao da tako promišljam pjesmu. Majka je još živa, ima 80 godina. Taj fakat nip je moj otac preživio jedan stinkpot, preživio drugi rat, pa moja majka
1. Jasmina Husanović Pehar, Full Professor
Coordinator of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: jasmina.husanovic@unitz.ba
Biography: http://www.ff.untz.ba/index.php?page=dr-sc-jasmina-husanovic
2. Dr. Vesna Bratovčić, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Member of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: vesna.bratovcic@unitz.ba
Biography: http://erf.untz.ba/web/wpcontent/uploads/2017/05/vesnabratovcic.pdf
3. Dr. Damir Arsenijević, Full Professor, Member of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: damir.arsenijevic@unitz.ba
Biography: http://www.ff.untz.ba/index.php?page=dr-sc-damir-arsenijevic
4. Dr. Dženeta Omerdić, Associate Professor, Member of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: dzenetaomerdic@gmail.com
Biography: http://pf.untz.ba/dokumenti/cv/dzeneta-omerdic.pdf
5. Dr. Ljubica Tomić SelimovićAssociate Professor, Member of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: ljubica.tomic@unitz.ba
Biography: http://www.ff.untz.ba/index.php?page=dr-sc-ljubica-tomic-selimovic
6. Melinda Botalić, Assistant Professor, Member of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: melinda.botalic@unitz.ba
Biography: http://www.ff.untz.ba/i