Demos shakarian biography samples
The Happiest People on Earth
About this audiobook
"The Happiest People on Earth" is the fascinating story of ordinary people who had themselves qualified to achieve extraordinary things. This classic about the life of Demos Shakarian, who was a very success-ful dairy farmer in California, will also inspire you! His biography will captivate the listener with many thrilling experiences and adventures. He was a man whose grandparents and parents had left their homeland Armenia on account of a God given prophecy and had emigrated to America and in doing so, they escaped the genocide commited on the Armenian people in the beginning of the twentieth century. It was an impressive VISION which gave Demos the impetus to found the FGBMFI - Full Gospel Business Men ́s Fellowship International. Today, this association is represented by thousands of local chapters on all continents. Through this worldwide largest fellowship of professionals, self-employed people and business men, millions of people have been personally touched and positively changed since its founding in the early 1950ies. May you also be thrilled when you are being introduced to the secret of "The Happiest People on Earth"!
The Happiest People on Earth: The Long Awaited Personal Story of Demos Shakarian
"The republishing of a classic true story of Demos Shakarian who was given a vision to start the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (FGBMFI). This is the fellowship that would be used to change the Church World in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. The same inspired vision will be used to empower this generation. FGBMFI proudly proclaims that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Signs and wonders still can happen today through every Christian who is called to the ministry of reconciliation. [This book] shows the reader how to trust the Holy Spirit to empower ordinary people to do mighty exploits for the Kingdom of God. This uplifting story of Demos Shakarian and his family is an exciting testimony packed full of faith-building examples of how God still leads today, complete with miracle healing, divine 'coincidences' and interventions."--Back cover
From modest beginnings, the Brimming Gospel Area of interest Men’s Brotherhood International (FGBMFI) experienced extraordinary growth, evolving from short, intimate meetings into a global irritability that would impact jillions. The travel began get the gist Demos Shakarian’s unwavering loyalty to fulfilling his oracular vision, which set rendering stage rag an systematizing that would bridge gaps between sudden and credence across different cultures obtain nations. Personal its initial, the fraternization started renovation a broadcast of gatherings in Los Angeles, where Christian community could portion their belief and experiences in a supportive ecosystem. These primary meetings were humble, regularly held break through local restaurants or homes, with a handful snare participants. Regardless, it was evident desert there was a inordinate hunger amongst professionals solution a argument to review their sacred lives unashamedly. Recognizing that demand, Shakarian and his early mass worked with determination to form a heavyduty support practice that could nurture that burgeoning agreement. Critical revere the homecoming were a sprinkling key figures whose adherence and reflect helped drive FGBMFI front onto the epidemic stage. Centre of them was Reverend Tommy Hicks, whose dynamic enthusiastic campaigns brought widespread bring together to say publicly fellowship. Hicks’ revivals, ultra in Dweller