Eleny ionel biography of albert einstein

  • Most famous female mathematicians
  • Famous female mathematicians 21st century
  • Female mathematicians in history
  • PhD Alumni

    Francisco Arana-Herrera Effective mapping class group dynamics

    Steven Kerckhoff

    Member, Institute for Advanced Study + Brin Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Maryland Calista Bernard Twisted homology operations

    Soren Galatius (University of Copenhagen)

    University of Minnesota, Dunham Jackson Assistant Professor (Department of Mathematics) Ipsita Datta LAGRANGIAN COBORDISMS BETWEEN ENRICHED KNOT DIAGRAMS

    Yakov Eliashberg

    Postdoc Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Sheela Devadas Morphisms and cohomological comparison for Henselian schemes

    Brian Conrad

    NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, University of Washington Department of Mathematics Francois-Simon Fauteux-Chapleau Invariants of codimension 2 contact submanifolds

    Yakov Eliashberg

    Cole Graham Long time asymptotics for reaction diffusion and stochastic Burgers equations

    Lenya Ryzhik

    Prager Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, Brown University Jorge Guijarro Ordonez Stochastic control and deep learning approaches to high dimensional statistical arbitrage

    George Papanicolaou

    Jimmy He Probability on groups: Random walks and limit theorems

    Persi Diaconis

    CLE Moore Instructor, Department of Math

    All names (and dates) safekeeping followed beside a little icon representing the basis site govern the account. Click disallow the ikon next maneuver the person's name erect be expressionless to a biography finish equal that get used to. Click turn to eclipse more wisdom about depiction source sites.


    1. Aardal, Karen (1961 - )  
    2. Abdelrahman, Hanan, Mohamed  
    3. Abramovna, Bella  
    4. Abraniwicz, Izabela (1889 - 1973)  
    5. Adams, L. D. (? - 1965)
    6. Afanasyeva, Tatyana (1876 - 1964)  
    7. Aganice (circa 1878 BCE)  
    8. Agwu, Nkechi (1962 - )      
    9. Afanasyeva, Tatyana (1876 - 1964)  
    10. Agnesi, Maria Gaetana (1718 - 1799)              
    11. General, Ilka (1973 - )  
    12. Agwu, Nkechi (1962 - )  
    13. Aharonov, Dorit (1970 - )  
    14. Aitchison, Beatrice (1908 - 1997)  
    15. Alagic, Rodent  
    16. Alcock, Lara  
    17. Alderson, Helen Popova (1924 - 1972)  
    18. Alele-Williams, Bring into disrepute (1936 - )          
    19. Aleskeviciene-Statuleviciene, Aldona (1936 - 2017)  
    20. Alexander, Stephanie B.  
    21. Player, Florence Eliza (c. 1876 - 1960)      
    22. Allen, Linda, J. S.  
    23. Allman, Elizabeth S. (1965 - )  
    24. Almgren, Ann S.  
    25. Alvarado, Alejandra      
    26. Alvarez, Melania &n
    27. eleny ionel biography of albert einstein
    28. List of women in mathematics

      This is a list of women who have made noteworthy contributions to or achievements in mathematics.[1][2][3] These include mathematical research, mathematics education,[1]: xii  the history and philosophy of mathematics, public outreach, and mathematics contests.



      • Karen Aardal (born 1961), Norwegian and Dutch applied mathematician, theoretical computer scientist, and operations researcher
      • Hanan Mohamed Abdelrahman, Egyptian and Norwegian mathematics educator
      • Izabela Abramowicz (1889–1973), Polish mathematician and mathematics educator
      • Louise Doris Adams (1889–1965), British mathematics reformer, president of the Mathematical Association
      • Rachel Blodgett Adams (1894–1982), American mathematician, one of the earliest mathematics doctorates from Radcliffe College
      • Tatyana Afanasyeva (1876–1964), Russian-Dutch researcher in statistical mechanics, randomness, and geometry education
      • Amandine Aftalion (born 1973), French applied mathematician, studies superfluids and the mathematics of footracing
      • Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1718–1799), Italian mathematician and philosopher, possibly the first female mathematics professor
      • Ilka Agricola (born 1973), German expert on differential geom