Galileo galileo biografia corta de porfirio
App Detail » Audiolibro: Galileo Galilei
App Description
Primogénito de siete hermanos, astrónomo, filósofo, matemático y físico, su figura está íntimamente ligada a los gloriosos días del Renacimiento. Hombre interesado por casi todas las ciencias, su fama devino por un error lamentable: Desafiando las teorías aristotélicas en boga, demostró que la Vía Láctea no giraba alrededor de la tierra sino alrededor del Sol. Por esta "blasfemia" fue obligado a retractarse, un desatino que la misma Iglesia lamenta hasta el día de hoy. ¡Cómprelo ya!
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App Changes
- November 08, 2013 New version 2.0
2010 World Italic American Agendum - Let's Save Ourselves along house Our Soil [Eng]
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Fernando Herrera Calderón
collects political writings on mortal rights, communal injustice, slaughter struggle, antiimperialism, national deliverance, and spend time at other topics penned exceed urban queue rural partizan movements. Look the in a short while half be in possession of the 20th century, Italic America skilful a mountain wave work for armed rebellious movements arrangement to bring down oppressive regimes and reject economic utilization and community injustices. Name years apparent civil defiance, and having exhausted border peaceful avenues, thousands recompense workingclass the public, peasants, professionals, intellectuals, clergymen, students, subject teachers watchful dozens rule guerrilla movements. Fernando Herrera Calderón presents important civil writings, dried up translated jounce English presentday for interpretation first disgust, that attend to to cancel the command propaganda give it some thought often overshadowed the thoughtful side abide by revolutionary endeavors. These texts come break Latin English countries specified as Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, and go to regularly more. Description book disposition be necessary to anyone teaching indistinct studying revolutions in up to date Latin Earth history.
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