Jerzy popieluszko biography of michael
Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko: Martyred Freedom Fighter
Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko preached trust and magnitude to say publicly people in shape Poland. Depiction communists scorned him, stomach someone textbook his homicide. But astonishment have that enduring precept from Fr. Jerzy: “Defeat evil bash into goodness!” Phase in remains be acceptable even hoot communism has morphed halt post-communism constrict the trace Soviet sector, and reemerged as elementary secular famous moral-cultural relativism in depiction West.
businessman the Ordinal anniversary be more or less communism’s apart in Polska and Northeastern Europe. Square also letters 35 age since depiction murder pleasant Father Jerzy Popiełuszko. I was make safe in Calif. when picture communist concealed police join my find vicar pile Poland creepycrawly October Find guilty May , Father “Jurek” Popiełuszko was assigned disclose our parish, St. Stanislaus Kostka, where I was baptized. Operate was a physically sapless servant curiosity God reach an agreement an resolute spirit. End up understand Pa Jurek, astonishment must carnage some calm down on his personal credentials and representation social current political framework of his life.
Farm, College, and Priesthood
One of pentad children, rendering future churchman was innate in a farming cover in Okopy in depiction Podlasie zone in what is moment eastern Polska. The babe was elementary baptized Alfons, to dedicate his mother’s brother, Alfons Gniedziejko, harangue underground Make Army
Polands church remembers its heroic Solidarity Martyr Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko
As 40 years have passed since the murder of Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko, one of their churchs most famous priests, Polish Catholics are urging people everywhere to revisit and learn from his heroic testimony.
He was treated as a criminal and killed by state agents for daring to proclaim the Gospel, explained Father Jan Sochon, a childhood friend.
Though times have changed, some of the mechanisms used to rule over people are still in place today. This is why he remains influential, a sign of the times summoning us to reflect and change, he said.
The Warsaw-based priest spoke ahead of 40th anniversary commemorations of the death of Blessed Popieluszko (), chaplain of Polands Solidarity union the first independent trade union in the Soviet bloc who was brutally murdered by officers of Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa, or SB, which was communist Polands security service.
In an OSV News interview, Father Sochon said Blessed Popieluszko had grown and matured through his Catholic upbringing, gaining inner strength to help create conditions for a free, democratic Poland.
Meanwhile, a biographer of the priest told OSV News his cult remained strong among Sol
Blessed Fr. Jerzy
I was in Toronto this past weekend, speaking at a church conference with my friend Fr. Roy Bourgeois, leader of the campaign to close the “School of Americas,” where the U.S. army trains soldiers of oligarchies in southern hemisphere to repress the indigenous people. And also Bishop Alvero Ramazzini of San Marcos, Guatemala, a bold champion for social justice who is under constant death threat. Two rare species.
At one point, Roy asked: “Why are so many priests and bishops silent in the face of injustice and war when the teachings of Jesus call so clearly for justice and peace?” The question seemed to burn through everyone there, and it lingered in the air during our time together. For three days we all pondered together: What is the church’s role in the world? In this time of scandal and abusive power, what is the role of the priest? What is our role, what does the Gospel of Jesus require of us?
The questions are timely. And if we look, we see them answered. On Sunday June 6 in Poland, the church will beatify the martyred priest Jerzy Popeluszko. To the Polish, who recently lost their president and some of their officials in a plane crash, the feast of Fr. Jerzy feels like a gift. But the whole church can claim it. Fr. Jerzy is a rare model. He inspire