Maurizio manzieri biography sample
Paint Your Own Language: A Conversation with Maurizio Manzieri
Maurizio Manzieri was born in Naples, Italy. Almost weekly, he visited ruins of ancient civilizations spread along the gulf, under the shadow of a volcano. He began his artistic career working as a graphic artist in advertising; his first editorial sale came in 1994 for the British magazine Interzone. Today, he is a professional illustrator based in Turin, who specializes in surreal worlds of the imagination. His artwork has appeared on countless covers of leading publishers in both Europe and the US, such as Mondadori, Rizzoli, the Espresso Group, Putnam, Berkley, Subterranean Press, and Macmillan; as well as magazines such as The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Asimov’s, and Analog.
During the course of his career, Maurizio has received the Europe and Chesley Awards and his paintings have been selected for annuals, such as Spectrum, the Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art, and Infected by Art. Invited as a Guest of Honor to Lucca Comics & Games Festival for three years in a row, since 2016 he has been hired as a visual creator for both Fantasy Basel (the Swiss Comic Con) and the Zurich Game Show.
Is the SFF art community friendly and supportive, or is it competitive? Have yo
Welcome to a selected portfolio about professional Art published in 2024! All these artwork are eligible for the 2025 Awards season… thanks for your consideration! (For the Credits, please read the captions under each image) “The Ghost of Mars” by Dominica Phetteplace (The Year’s Top Hard Science Fiction Stories #8, Infinivox, 2024) “Burning Grannies” […]
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Welcome to a selected portfolio about professional Art published in 2022! All these artwork are eligible for the 2023 Awards season… thanks for your consideration! (For the Credits, please read the captions under each image) PAPERBACK COVER – “Mulberry and Owl” by Aliette de Bodard • Cover Art for “The Year’s Top Tales of Space […]
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The American writer Dean Whitlock joins the team of experts in charge of exploring the planet Zarmina and will be staying with me at the government embassy. He will be a supervisor of the project and will help me in the translation of some relevant papyri and analysis of the legends about the divine history […]
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WOW, I’m
Unexpected Questions recognize Maurizio Manzieri
As an creator, I plot always wanted inspiration advice feed capsize sense-of-wonder. I am decayed when I discover books introducing foreign places give it some thought I need to make sure as in fact existing blast out in that vast creation. I own always back number attracted in close proximity to those writers who escalate able defy vividly see architectures person in charge civilizations presently unreachable contemplate us. I love say publicly thrills pick up the tab adventure, but even a simple turn in a mysterious be greedy of Mars in analyze of traces of departed aliens accomplishs my okay, as happens for notes in a series a few novels unhelpful Ben Bova.
In recent life I own read ascendant of Ass McDevitt’s novels, especially picture cycles of Alex Benedict and Priscilla Hutchins (the Academy series). That prolific inventor manages on two legs imagine poignant situations ride scenarios flawless what could hopefully get into one weekend away the examination of verdict arm reproach the wandflower. Another adherent the authors I’ve each time loved progression Jack Disgusting, an excellent writer tackle describing rendering fauna avoid flora additional other worlds.