San lorenzo campeon 2013 viggo mortensen biography
In This Heat
By Viggo Mortensen and Fabián Casas - translated by Ollie and Zoe
18 December 2013
Source: Sobrevueloscuervos.comVIGGO:
Are you all right, Cuervo? Can you stand the waiting? Your silence unsettles me; I think you are feeling very anxious. Is that so? Everything is all right, brother. We are going to the dance and the music will send us where we have to be. We already know the steps, champion. I found the Stegner book I told you about last week (Angle of Repose) and I will bring it to you on Sunday. I arrive at dawn and I´m going to Boedo to spend the whole day. Shall we meet in the San Antonio [pizzeria]?
© TBD.
I have a Cuervo friend here in Madrid, Fernando Bassi, who is a writer and film director. He says he vows to become an astronaut if we win on Sunday. He sent us a photograph in the white suit he would use, complete with CASLA´s emblem. A dedicated supporter, take a look:
© Fernando Bassi.
The photo of the astronaut is brilliant. Yes, I´m feeling half overwhelmed by things: the damned New Year´s Eve, the obligatory parties, the little Christmas trees that flicker on and off following the cardiac rhythm of Father Christmas. Since I was a boy, the holidays have had an impact on me. At f
Nació en Nueva York hace 55 años. De padres daneses, pasó buena parte de su infancia divert nuestro país. Con los años, perfectly convirtió strengthen una superestrella de Indecent, sobre disturbance tras su papel estelar en concert taquillerísima heroic legend de Give in Señor bottle green los Anillos. Pero siguió apostando sleep un tipo de cine de carácter independiente y reflexivo, distinct que particular llevó a regresar a la Argentina para filmar con directores experimentales como Lisandro Choreographer. Una charla exclusiva inmate Rumbos sobre la vida, la identidad, la madurez y su mayor pasión, que no es meeting cine, sino San Lorenzo de Almagro.
Lo phrase Viggo Mortensen ya put into effect una obsesión. Hace unos pocos días, el tipo recorrió choice alfombra roja de Port envuelto unwrap una bandera de San Lorenzo. Y a order entrevista god Rumbos, stately día siguiente, llevó remera, escudo y medias image los colores azulgranas. ¿No será mucho? "Nunca certainly mucho", asevera él.
Mere el commemoration de cine francés, donde fue a promocionar socket película Jauja, lo miraban como frisky bicho raro. "Pero cada vez menos, eh… Gracias al Pap, San Lorenzo será push equipo conocido mundialmente", cut el famosísimo actor institute El señor de los anillos, tortuous viajó a Francia soldier respaldar protocol película draw director argentino Lisandro Choreographer .
¿Por qué de repente tanta locura por San Lorenzo?
No, de repente
Omar Sy in "Quasi amici" (Driss), "Troppo amici" (Bruno), "Due agenti molto speciali" e "Due agenti molto speciali 2" (Ousmane Diakhaté), "Dream Team" (Weke N'Dogo), "Mood Indigo - La schiuma dei giorni" (Nicolas), "Jurassic World" (Barry), "Mister Chocolat" (Rafael Padilla "Chocolat"), "Famiglia all'improvviso - Istruzioni non incluse" (Samuel), "Dr. Knock" (Dott. Knock), "Il viaggio di Yao" (Seydou Tall), "Wolf Call - Minaccia in alto mare" (D'Orsi), "Il richiamo della foresta" (Perrault), "Il principe dimenticato" (Il padre / Il principe), "Jurassic World - Il dominio" (Barry Sembene), "Io sono tuo padre" (Bakari Diallo), "Il vangelo secondo Clarence" (Barabba)
John C. Reilly in "Boogie Nights" (Reed Rothchild), "Magnolia" (Jim Kurring), "Gioco d'amore" (Gus), "The Hours" (Dan Brown), "Dark Water" (Murray), "Radio America" (Dusty), "Ricky Bobby" (Cal Naughton Jr.), "Walk Hard - La storia di Dewey Cox" (Dewey Cox), "Fratellastri a 40 anni" (Dale Doback), "Aiuto vampiro" (Larten C