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Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
Captain insignia
For additional meanings of "Captain", please see Captain.
"Well, now that you have another pip on your collar, does that mean I can't disagree with you anymore?."
"No. It just means I'm never wrong."– Kira Nerys and Benjamin Sisko, 2371 ("The Adversary")
Captain was a commissioned officerrank, the equivalent of which was used by the service organizations of many civilizations. The title of captain was often used by vessel commanders and, as a naval rank, in many Earth navies and Starfleet, was above commander.
Captain was originally a junior rank placed between a lieutenant and colonel; over time the rank of major became common as an intermediary infantry position while the naval rank of captain denoted the commander of a sailing ship. The naval version became common in Earth militaries and was used by the United States Navy branch of the United States military and was comparable to the infantry rank of colonel.
By the mid-22nd century, captain was a senior line officer rank of most space services and usually given to the commanding officers of starships. In the Earth Starfleet, and later the Federation, it was represented by four collar pips. This