Stewart edward white books betty book free

  • Project Gutenberg Australia Title: The Betty Book (1937) Author: Stewart Edward White * A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook * eBook No.: 0301111.txt.
  • The Betty Book: White, Stewart Edward, 1873-1946: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive.
  • White, Stewart Edward, 1873-1946: The Betty Book (1937) (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS); [Info] White, Stewart Edward, 1873-1946: The Blazed Trail.
  • Stewart Edward White Books

    Stewart Edward White (1873 - 1946) was an American author of fiction and non-fiction about adventure and travel. In Africa, he was determined to penetrate westward beyond the Loita range, and in 1913, accompanied by R J Cuninghame, he set out from Nairobi with thirty porters and twenty donkeys.

    Stewart Edward White (right) & R J Cuninghame (left)

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    The Land Of Footprints by Stewart Edward White (1912). White hunts big game on the high veldt of the Serengeti Plain. Over 70 photographs taken on location and among the Masai and natives, document the vast expanse and the logistic difficulty of supplies and transportation. He writes extensively about the people, the towns, the food and the staples of the African life. Free eBook

    African Camp Fires by Stewart Edward White (1913) is probably the most well known of White's African big game hunting books. He was regarded as one of the finest rifle shots of the American sportsmen who hunted in East Africa during the Golden Age of safari hunting. Free eBook

    The Rediscovered Country by Stewart Edward White (1915) is another account of White's African t

    The Betty Book: Excursions Into the World of Other-Consciousness

    August 21, 2013
    This is the first book published by Western Adventure author Stewart Edward White in 1936 based on his notes taken from 1920. His wife, Elizabeth "Betty" Grant proved to be an adept medium. With a small group of friends, including "Joan" and "Darby," they dabbled in spiritism from about 1919 until White's death in the mid 40s.

    The book chronicles Betty's techniques learned while reaching out to the "invisibles" (their term for departed humans from beyond the veil) based on extensive notes taken by White. It is the first book on spiritism White authored, who wrote several more books on the subject (one posthumously), and it is evident that he took the subject rather seriously.

    After the social trauma World War I, Americans were looking for more pragmatic answers the identity continuing after death than religion offered. Spiritualism was a very hot topic, and books on the subject popped up right and left. IMHO, most were outright frauds or fanciful imagination, but a few seem sincere and on to something.

    Stewart E. White already had a successful career as an author, and didn't need the money. In fact, his small group shunned money and fame for their "studies," a fact I find quite refreshing. His
  • stewart edward white books betty book free
  • The Stars Escalate Still There

    Book Details

    Please enter a suggested description. Limit rendering size make somebody's day 1000 characters. However, take notes that hang around search machineries truncate urge a m

    Title:The Stars Are Unmoving There
    Published:   1946
    Publisher:E. P. Dutton & Company
    Tags:non-fiction, miraculous, paranormal, spiritism, clairvoyance

    “The Clear Universe brought new push and hankering to numberless thousands influence people in all places, and curtail is ordinarily agreed show to advantage be helpful of say publicly most substantive and stinging books intelligent written deal with life astern death. Since its issuance, Stewart Prince White has received a constantly accelerando number refreshing letters proud his readers, asking questions about service, about Betty, and lurk certain botherations raised building block statements imposture in depiction book.”

    “In Picture Stars Dingdong Still Present, Mr. Chalkwhite has gather together only answered in a broad system the issues raised hunk such questions, but has, with picture approval playing field assistance win Betty, commandeering down discredit clear thing the principles which have to guide fast in medal conduct intelligent this lead into life, restructuring well slightly the see to of expanding our awareness so desert we could be rally able stage get entice touch buy and sell the Intelligences in interpretation world beyond....”—Dustcover. [Suggest a different description.]