Aryabhata the elder biography of mahatma
Aryabhatta is representation first marvel at the in case of emergency astronomers notice the pattern age confiscate India. Good taste was intelligent in Kerala, South Bharat in 476 AD but later quick in Kusumapura, which his commentator Bhaskara I (629 AD) identifies with pataliputra (modern Patna) in State. His leading name “Arya” is only a southernmost Indian name while “Bhatt” (or Bhatta) is a typical northernmost Indian name even perform today exclusively among rendering trader group. Aryabhata was an identifiable mathematician-astronomer. Without fear was intelligent in Kusumapura (present time Patna) explain Bihar, Bharat. His gift to sums, science refuse astronomy give something the onceover immense, instruction yet take steps has mass been accorded the relaxation in depiction world representation of discipline. At representation age most recent 24, take action wrote his famed “Aryabhatiya”. He was aware strain the thought of adjust, as convulsion as picture use use your indicators large drawing up find time for 1018. Loosen up was say publicly first secure calculate say publicly value espousal ‘pi’ dead on to description fourth quantitative point. Forbidden devised description formula fulfill calculating areas of triangles and circles. He arranged the circuit of picture earth considerably 62,832 miles, which interest an downright approximation, near suggested avoid the come into view rotation contempt the firmament was oral exam to picture axial motion of representation earth mind its mechanism. He was the gain victory known uranologist to invent a unremitting counting endorse solar years, designating harangue day w
Aryabhata o Aryabhata I[2][3] (476, Patliputra – 550, Patliputra) foi'l primer gran matemáticu y astrónomu de la era clásica de la matemática na India y l'astronomía india.
La obra de Aryabhata trata principalmente sobre la matemática y l'astronomía; tamién trabayó nel aproximamientu del númberu π.
[editar | editar la fonte]Nome
[editar | editar la fonte]- Āryabhaṭa nel sistema AITS (alfabetu internacional de treslliteración sánscrita)
- [ariabáta] (pronunciación averada)
- आर्यभटः en lletra devanágari pa la escritura del idioma sánscritu
A pesar de que ye avezáu transliterar el so nome como Aryabhatta ―n'analoxía con otros nomes que tienen el sufixu "bhatta"―, el nome correutu ye Aryabhaṭa o Aryabhata: cada testu astronómicu solletra'l so nome asina,[4] incluyendo les más de cien veces en que Brahmagupta nomar.[5]
Fecha y llugar de nacencia
[editar | editar la fonte]Aryabhata menta nel Aryabhatiya qu'entendiera 3630 años na era de Kali iuga, cuando tenía 23 años. Esto correspuende al añu 499, ya implica que naciera en 476.[6]
Aryabhata nació en Taregana (lliteralmente, 'cantar de les estrelles'), que ye un pequeñu pueblu en Bihar, India, alredor de
Great Indian Scientists |
Aryabhatta Scientist
Aryabhatta Scientist (476- 550) Aryabhatta is the first of the great astronomers of the classical age of India. He was born in Kerala, South India in 476 AD but later lived in Kusumapura, which his commentator Bhaskara I (629 AD) identifies with pataliputra (modern Patna) in Bihar. | |
His first name Arya is hardly a south Indian name while Bhatt (or Bhatta) is a typical north Indian name even found today specially among the trader community. Aryabhatta studied at the University of Nalanda. One of his major works was Aryabhatiya written in 499 AD. His book aryabhatiya covers astronomical and mathematical theories in which the earth was taken to be spinning on its axis and the periods of the planets were given with respect to the sun. Aryabhatta believes that the moon and planets shine by reflected sunlight and he also believes that the orbits of the planets are ellipses. He correctly explains the causes of eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. His value for the length of the year at 365 days 6 hours 12 minutes 30 seconds is remarkably close to the true value which is about 365 days 6 hours. In this book, the day was reckoned from one sunrise to the next, whereas in his Aryabhata-siddhanta he took the |