Daliborka uljarevic biography

  • Biography.
  • Daliborka Uljarević graduated at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Relations at the University of Belgrade.
  • Daliborka Uljarević is the political analyst and executive director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), one of the leading Montenegrin NGOs.
  • Parlamentarni izbori 2009. - Prilog razvoju političkog pamćenja u Crnoj Gori
    Parliamentary elections disrespect 2009 - Contribution summit the expansion of public memory lineage Montenegro

    Author(s): Daliborka Uljarević
    Subject(s): Politics, Political characteristics, Government/Political systems, Electoral systems, Transformation Duration (1990 - 2010)
    Published by: Centar form građansko obrazovanje (CGO)
    Keywords: Montenegro; elections; politics; Parliamentary elections; 2009;

    Series: CGO - Demokratija

    • E-ISBN-13: 978-86-85591-11-2
    • Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-85591-11-2
    • Page Count: 751
    • Publication Year: 2009
    • Language: Montenegrine

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    Daliborka Uljarević

    Daliborka Uljarević is the political analyst and executive director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), one of the leading Montenegrin NGOs. She is political scientist with major in International Relations from the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, and number of additional specialisations in political systems, EU affairs, media policies, human rights and civil society at the several Montenegrin and regional universities, as well as University of Oxford. Within the European Marshall Memorial Fellowship, intended for European students (GMF), she studied in USA, as the first participant of this programme from Montenegro. As expert, she is frequently engaged in various programmes led by most UNDP, Freedom House, TACSO, EURECNA, OSCE, UNIFEM, Sida, REC, ECOSOC, CoE, etc. She used to work for international organisations (Council of Europe, OSCE, IFES) and media (BBC World). Within Montenegrin civil society she is member of several executive boards of prominent NGOs, at the wider level she is member of the Regional Council of Coalition for RECOM and the Western Balkans Advisory Committee of the global Open Society Foundations (OSF). She is also (co)author and editor of series of publications and articles in the area of democracy,

    After first seven years of Montenegrin negotiations, a serious shift in accession negotiations is needed due to the fact that Montenegro is far from frontrunner, assessed the Executive Director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Daliborka Uljarevic, at the conference ‘Seven years of Montenegrin negotiations with the EU’, organized by the CCE with the support of the Ministry of Public Administration and the German Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, in cooperation with the Office for European Integration of the Government of Montenegro.

    ‘Accession negotiations are our chance to become well-ordered society, to establish missing responsibility and to create a country in which individuals cannot be above institutions. And the assessment of fulfilment of the undertaken obligations is nothing but an assessment of our credibility. The latest EC Report points to the shaken Montenegrin credibility within the negotiation process,’ Uljarevic assessed and added that the progress in 28 negotiating chapters is limited, and that the number of chapters in which Montenegro had made good progress has also decreased.

    ‘Although many times announced by the authorities, we did not receive final benchmarks for Chapters 23 and 24, for the simple reason that the previou

  • daliborka uljarevic biography